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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli

Blood Transfusion

She kept track of her every mistake

Believing the lies from the mouth of the snake

If only she could beat her mind into submission

She could easily adapt to life's unexpected transitions

"Be kind to yourself", others shouted while simultaneously silencing her as she expressed her needs

Why express herself when she is restricted to proceed?

She believed that people belittled her and made her feel small. But the truth is and was they betrayed her trust because they didn't know her at all

Love carried a double standard, one where she gave everything causing her to fall.

She felt more pain than peace because her heart always failed to release

God looked at her, as He felt her pain begging "let me love you please!"

But the world around her always removed the ease, contributing to her confusion.

Even though Jesus sits there ready for her blood transfusion.

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