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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli


Living with regret is one of the most painful things you can live with

It eats at your dreams, it eats at your hopes, it eats at the very thought of ever moving forward

Regret keeps you enslaved to your past, enslaved to the “could have”, the “what if” and even the “if only”

“If only I would have said yes. If only I would have tried harder, what if I would have given them what they wanted. If only I held on they could have stayed….”

Living with the mentality that your past was better than your present will bring chaos to your future

Regret disqualifies the lessons you’ve learned, it disqualifies the determined, resilient, strong person that came from the pain or the situation. Regret degrades who you have become because of your experiences

My experiences taught me and showed me new aspects and characteristics of God that I never knew. My pain taught me to depend on Him and Him only. My loss taught me to value who I am so that others can learn to value me too…

If I regret what I have gone through, then what I am saying is that I regret God’s move in my life, that I regret the new friendships that I have gained, that I regret my true identity… what are you disqualifying with your regret??

No one who’s truly met God could EVER or should EVER regret what they’ve gone through because it was God’s way of making them new

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