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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli

A Message to Miss Perfect

Hello Miss Perfect What are you trying to demand from yourself? You waste your time caring so much about what everyone has to say about you that you forgot what voice was the most important. Why does it matter? Why do their words shape you? You do realize you will not be able to ever please everyone. What voice are you listening to? Is that voice speaking to you with love? Or is that voice speaking to you with hate disguised as love? You know what's ironic? Someone two thousand years ago thought of you and wrote the greatest love story way before you ever existed. Someone who knows your future your past and your present but still gushes when he thinks of you. Oh miss perfect... Who defined your perfection? Did you define it? Did the people around you? Are you happy with who you are? Or are they happy with who you are? The funny thing is, that Perfection doesn't exist. We are all flawed people created by a perfect God. Striving to be like Jesus, doesn't mean being perfect it actually means being mature. Maturity is evident in the manner in which we love. And if we attempt to love on our own, we produce imperfect love. Therefore, all those people you've lived to please do not love you out of perfect love, they love you out of need of what you have. So miss perfect, expose your imperfection. The moment you do, the greatest love, grace, mercy that you've ever seen will flood right in! Show the world that the girl that walks around with a smile on her face actually gives up 200 times a day... Miss imperfect, break the mold, free yourself of the box others created that you allowed yourself to stay in. Break free into the most beautifully abstract masterpiece you were truly created to be!

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