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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli

Queen of My Heart

She wears a mask of glitter and colour to hide what she thinks is her DYING light. She HIDES the sadness that she has internalized by ADORNING the outside. She is so STUBBORN that she doesn't hear me whisper "I love you" when her mind is playing TORMENTS. She thinks I say I love her the same way everyone else says it to her... when in reality it's the song I sing and dance over her RELENTLESSLY. She can hear the new songs I sing over her but chooses not to EMBRACE them because she doesn't think they are for her!! She carries my heart and asks to love like me... instead of just grabbing the love she also grabbed BURDEN... She has Mary's heart BUT MARTHA'S MIND. Clouded by the things she sees are UNFINISHED...She tries to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders... a task only I was ever meant to bear. She is so SPECIAL to me that angels wash her feet so that she may constantly walk on HOLY ground! She is unaware of how angels bow before her like the stories of Joseph's ADMIRATION of her obedience and worship to me. She has so much of me... that her spirit, soul and body never depart from my THRONE room... she brings it into every atmosphere she walks through... WE SURROUND HER CONSTANTLY! She is not aware of the POWER she carries within her... not aware of how much everything she carries STILL RESIDES INSIDE OF HER and has NEVER LEFT. She smiles and my heart smiles with her. I would do anything to ensure her smile doesn't leave her PRECIOUS face She is a DEBORAH in her own right, going through the motions of her own FIGHT... She carries a heart so large that its heartbeat RADIATES me. With every beat she sings heaven's song... SHE'S BEEN CALLED BY ME! And every syllable of her name carries a sweet nectar. Her posture towards me carries an unmatched fragrance. She is the QUEEN of my heart. She longs to hear my every heartbeat... and my desire is to CONSTANTLY hear hers. She is MY love, a wonder only few will carry the privilege to discover... 

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