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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli

Taken Foregranted

My love, they no longer believe they need you because they don't care about the love that runs through you. They used to do anything they possibly could to attain you. But now that they've used up all they thought you could give, they walk around as if they never knew you. For a love like yours to be forsaken, it's clear that they thought that you were an object easily taken. If only they could see what you truly mean to me; a crown of beauty they found to be worthless. It is true that most times people don't know what they've got till it's gone. Until they believe that they've exhausted who you truly are, leaving you undone. Little did they know that the undoing was just the beginning of your redemption. You will rise resilient in spirit. Whole in heart and sound in mind. This is all because you my love, never belonged to them. You were always mine.

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