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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli

Heart And Mind

Her mind went at the speed of a train...while her heart pleaded with her to simply remain still Her heart cried out to stop, to slow down, to remember because the speed her mind was going at was tormenting that poor heart Her mind became so numb to what the heart was feeling that it actually never took into consideration what it was creating Her heart knew that the mind was quite powerful but it also couldn't ignore its own power 

Her mind chooses to see the worst in people, it is skeptical, marked, battered and carrying residual pain of past memories that it constantly replays. Her heart sees the beauty in other's eyes. It loves the sound of other's hearts and the words they articulate in every beat. Her mind resents her heart for its optimism and belief in others. Her mind doesn't understand why her heart chooses to love even while broken. Her heart wishes that her mind would understand that love is the factor that will revolutionize the world. Her heart wants her mind to remember how much unconditional love has changed her life. Her mind disagrees and has created a world that is gruesome, dim, agonizing and hopeless. Her heart knows that despite it all there needs to be another way.... 

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