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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli

Life as a book...

I have always seen life like a book, there are the climactic points, the problems, settings, characters…but it goes a lot deeper than that…

I see God as an author holding a pencil & pen in His hand, every time He writes down one of your victories He uses an exaggerated amount of exclamation marks and golden stars..

Life is a book…think about it…you go through a journey with the characters, you watch them in their happiest moments, their saddest moments and through those moments that you get so frustrated with them that you just want to throw the book out the window, I imagine that to be God’s reactions

I see the hardest moments as the times in our lives where we decide to push God aside and take the pencil and start to write…those moments of sadness, frustration, defeat, depression happen when we decide to continue the story on our own…

You notice that I said God uses a pencil? His promises are in pen, permanently written, but He has His pencil for the moments that He tries to Intervene in your life to erase the mistakes that you decided to write yourself

Every prophecy over your life has already been written in your story by Him, but it is up to you to get to the point where He will read it out loud for you to hear…

God is the author and narrator of my story…of my novel, I’m just the character that is hoping to get to the moment where I finish off as the hero He intended me to be

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