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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli

Dream BIG or settle for "reality"?

A lot of us have a bad habit of settling for less, or dreaming small, we limit ourselves sometimes because the world thinks of us as unrealistic

“We become our own limit”

Sometimes it is not just the world but also the people who are also believers who don’t believe in your dreams

Well…let me tell you! NOT everyone is supposed to believe in your dreams, let’s take Joseph as an example, in the bible he is known for literally being a King of dreams, a person who God spoke to in dreams…

His own family wouldn’t believe in these dreams, they thought that they were ridiculous, they were childish, unrealistic, one time even his own father did not accept or believe in Joseph’s dream…

The reason why I say this is because all those who know this story, know that Joseph’s dreams ALL came true eventually and God made him a great ruler

People will try to stop your dreams any way they can, it could be because of jealousy or that their brains can’t think beyond “reality” the way you do!

Jesus told us in His word that we will be doing GREATER things than He ever did while on earth…that was Jesus basically saying DREAM BIG!

Think of the signs, wonders and miracles Jesus performed on the earth as a base to what He wants you to do, it is just the starting point, He wants you to go above & beyond what He did

So why do we settle for less? Why are we limiting ourselves to this world’s mentality of realism?

We claim to live a life of Kingdom but we disregard dreams to be unrealistic, well OF COURSE they’re unrealistic because they are meant to be SUPERNATURAL!

God has spoken to my heart about dreaming even BIGGER than I already do….and I can’t wait for this world to get turned upside down

“Chase tirelessly after your dreams before an average life catches up with you.” -Julianne Wilson

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