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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli

Hollywood V.S Jesus

Many times girls crave and desire that fake Hollywood romance…we want someone to come and sweep us off our feet, someone who makes us feel protected, loved, and reassured on a constant basis…

Girls feel the need to hear “I love you”, “I miss you” constantly…we try to live off of compliments and terms of endearment like the ones we see in the movies…there are moments in life where those scenes might actually happen…putting girls in one of the most dangerous states of vulnerability…

Then comes the heartbreak and the realizations that those “I love yous” actually came with a different intention than she hoped…

BUT! Have you ever thought about a romance with Jesus? I know that for some this sounds insane…but hear me out

God literally sweeps me off my feet on a constant basis…I’m not referring to the times I get slapped up (caught in the spirit)…I mean those times where He knows exactly what to say to make me smile, Jesus is the LOVER of your soul…He IS love…so why would you think that someone who is defined and moved by love…wouldn’t be a romantic?? Jesus is a complete romantic, He always finds a way to make me smile, wakes me up by calling me “beautiful” or things like “wake up my love”…yes I know you think I sound completely out of my wits, but it’s true… Days that I’m sad He holds me tight, He even puts people in my life who He sends as “designated huggers”, (that’s what I call them) who give me hugs when I need them most

In His word He ALWAYS tells me how much He loves me…He calls me His princess, He calls me chosen, wonderfully made, loved, his darling, a congueror, worthy to be praised, royal…THIS is what I call love…

Jesus has set the standard of love & romance pretty high! That’s why we cannot settle for fake Hollywood sparks…He loves without asking or expecting anything in return, His love is unconditional

My King makes my heart beat really fast every time I think about Him, He knows EVERYTHING about me and STILL chooses to love me…He is TRUE love, and nothing will EVER come close

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