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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli

Fairy Tale Ending

When He looks at me… He sees a Queen with a heart that wonders, a heart that seeks, a heart that’s His

When I see myself, I see someone who is broken, someone put together by sorrow and strife… who walks around like a time bomb not knowing when it will strike

But my heart speaks with urgency of the one that calls me love…. the one that sees who I truly am on the inside…. the one who’s whispers have changed my sorrow to joy and my strife into love….

The whispers that were ignored for so long that pain became their megaphone… and misconceptions of love became their solution….

Who I am today is nothing but a misunderstood woman who learned to understand the greatest love of all! A woman who has now become a part of a grander fairy tale that never ends as long as there is His love…

So I boldly wear His crown, and my heart still continues to seek to go deeper and deeper into that masterpiece He’s created…. though no longer broken, but still being recreated.

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