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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli

To Be Loved Whole

She was fearless, she was untouchable, she was secure and optimistic....

She knew about God, she met Him in her childhood and believed He existed ever since...

She hated not having control... so giving God her all was something that never made sense to her...

She thought that if she had already accepted Him as a savior, not much else needed to be done...

One day she was confronted and her life changed. She discovered a love in Him that overwhelmed her... a love she thought was evident in all His followers...

So she opened up her heart and threw it through every open door because she thought that is what love was like...

She loved wholeheartedly, giving every piece of her heart away... She thought that everyone who entered her life deserved a piece... that they already knowing such a love would reciprocate it...

Little did she know... people are flawed...even when they serve someone who is perfect. She did not understand how to differentiate the two... so one day, all the missing pieces of her heart became her most damaging open wounds...

Her heart was shattered and felt like it was all for nothing and that she was not meant to love as she desired... because it only created pain...

She became hardened, bitter and vowed to never love again because it made her weak... love was not seen as beautiful anymore but as temporary...

Her disappointment towards the way people "loved", overshadowed the reckless, unfathomable love He had for her. So she decided to let Him make her whole again...

He mended her heart... He found all the pieces. He took them all into His arms and used her tears to put it all back together.

When He saw His masterpiece He asked if He could keep it. He entrusted His heart to her. Her pain became her healing, her heart, His.

She now loves consciously. She now loves aware. She now loves guarded and sometimes skeptically. She recognizes that she can't place her heart in the hands of people, because it is not theirs to protect.

He allowed her to understand that He is the only one that could ever love her in that manner. He is the only one that can give her what she truly wanted out of love. Though that made her happy, it simultaneously saddened her because she couldn't get that from people.

All she ever wanted, all she ever needed was to be loved whole...

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