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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Caraccioli

Echoes of Heaven's Heartbeat

Her heart loved in a manner that no one would ever understand. This world is too jaded for a love as rare as hers. Those that attempted to understand, misused it and those that thought they understood, disregarded it. The love she carries is not from a world we may call our own. But from a world far beyond our understanding. This love is but a fraction of the love He has for her. She's overwhelmed by it to the point that she does not know how to manage it. 

One day, she will find a heart and soul that beats at the same pace. A pace that resounds in the heavenly realm. When that day comes, Her heart will find the pieces missing from the masterpiece He always had in mind. She will find the beauty of another heart who's beat echoes the one in hers. 

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